OrderAdmin solution

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Image Description


We have been developed two main software versions:

OrderAdmin Delivery Manager

Software product designed to automate the operation of your online store with delivery services.

Image Description

OrderAdmin Warehouse manager

WMS (Warehouse Management System) – software product, fully automates the warehouse working

Write us on office@lemon.bg or call us on +359(0)52 940 335

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OrderAdmin Delivery Manager

Тази версия на нашия продукт може да:

OrderAdmin Warehouse manager

Тази версия на нашия продукт може да:

    Контакт с нас

    В нашата компания работят повече от 30 служителя в общо 3 офиса, които са разположени в Варна, Санкт-Петербург и Москва.


    Osmi Primorski polk Blvd 115,
    floor 5, office 14-5,
    Varna, 9002

    E-mail: office@lemon.bg

    Телефон: +359(0) 52 940 335

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